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Theodore Poufong
Theodore Poufong

by Theodore Fernando Poufong | May, 26th 2020 | Brussels

 Dear Members and Sympathizers, My dear Friends of the Social Democratic Front,

As we celebrate the 30th anniversary of our Party, permit me first of all to extend my sincere condolences to the families of the Rt. Honourable Barister Mbah Ndam Joseph, MP and former Vice-President of the National Assembly of Cameroon who abruply passed away a month ago due to illness? as well as to the families of all our Mayors and Party officials who had recently passed away.

I seize this opportunity to convey on behalf of the Regional Coordination of SDF Benelux our sincere condolences to those of you who have lost loved ones since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, our condolences also go to the families of all the missing people in the North-West and South-West regions as well as those of the victims of Boko Haram in the Far North region of Cameroon. We are allfighting for the same course and be assured of our moral support.

Dear Comrades,

The Social Democratic Front is celebrating its 30th anniversary on May 26, 2020, Mean while here in Belgium, we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary as an external structure at the Regional level of the Social Democratic Front as in Cameroon on October 22nd.

 Thirty years after its creation, the wait for CHANGE advocated by our Party seems to continue, the road to Liberation seems long, but the struggle continues. Unfortunately, many of us Militants and Sympathizers are showing signs of weariness, discouragement, resignation and are even beginning to lose confidence in the policy advocated by the SDF.

We have reason to believe today that our Party needs internal reforms to be initiated by her Leaders, particularly concerning her strategies, actions and of course her image. Often and again SDF/Belgian Militants and Sympathizers are expressing their wish to see SDF/Belgium put on new linens. They need new orientations. We are conciously aware of this.

But know that this much desired change will depend on certain prerequisites such as changing our mentalities, our attitudes and above all on the moral contributions of all members, supporters and friends of this Party.
The SDF needs to embrace through her policy, today's socio-economic and political reality. This change can only be done by you and me, it is our duty dear comrades and friends, to take on the difficult task of renovating the Party.
In the name of the SDF Belgium, I launch a vibrant appeal to all Militants (old and new) and sympathisers, to all Cameroonians concerned about the future of our motherland and the welfare of Cameroonians in the diaspora and especially in Belgium to join the SDF.

I make a vibrant appeal especially to our brothers and sisters from the North West and South West Regions in the Diaspora to join us in finding a solution to the burning issues related to the "Anglophone" crisis. There is no doubt we have been engaged in dialogue for some time now, and to drop it off will not help, we should do this especially for our children and grandchildren.

Theodore Poufong and John Fru Ndi
Theodore Poufong and John Fru Ndi

Dear Comrades,

The Regional Coordination Committee elected and invested a long time ago intends to continue the reconciliation process within SDF Benelux, the relaunch of the activities of the SDF Belgium, the preparation for an Elective Convention, and the relaunch of the activities of the SDF/Europe in collaboration with the other SDF regions in Europe (it should be recalled that the SDF Belgium was one of the architects in the creation of this megastructure of the Social Democratic Front).

Faced with all these objectives, we urge militants and supporters who for one reason or another have left the Party and also those who have been discouraged to join the SDF family and contribute to this renewal we all longing for: I invite you to come back.

The SDF Cameroon in general and the SDF Belgium in particular during the last 30 years have touched the hearts of some of us and today thanks to her policy we have found some comfort, so why not have a thought and ask ourselves what we too can do for the Party?

All the members of this Regional Executive Committee of SDF Belgium (for those who remain sincere to the principles of the Party) from now on, will continue to work in the common interests of the militants. Our initiatives will go more towards the mobilization, supervision and orientation of the SDF militants and supporters in view of concretising our action on the fight we are heading, for freedom and democracy in our beautiful country. We also intend to update our cooperation with the public authorities, organisations and European NGOs in order to benefit from their support and experience. We will continue to "lobby".

Dear Comrades and Sympathizers, the SDF Belgium will have as its key words: tolerance, quality, communication, good governance and above all team spirit, but all this can only be effective if each of us brings his or her own "stone to the edifice" to make democracy and human rights triumph in our country, Cameroon.

In wishing us a happy birthday, I also request you to have a pious thought for all our Martyrs of Liberty in Cameroon.
May the almighty bless the SDF and bless Cameroon!

Thank you.

Theodore Fernando Poufong
Regional Coordinator
SDF Benelux (Belgium)

Interview of SDF Senator Barrister Henry Kemende

La SG du SDF dans "Face à l'Actu" (VIDEO)

Ni J.F. Ndi talks with Mimi Mefo

GND: Speech of Ni J. F. Ndi

May 26th, 1990

Launching Speach, 26/05/1990

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