
The National Executive Committee is the highest decision making organ of the party after the congress.


Composition of the National Executive Committees

The National Executive Committee shall consist of:

  1. The National Chairperson;
  2. Five (5) National Vice Chairpersons, classified as 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th and 5th, one at least of whom shall be of the opposite sex;
  3. The Secretary General;
  4. Four (4) Assistant Secretaries General classified as 1st, 2nd, 3rdand 4thone at least of whom shall be of the opposite sex; (B’da conv. 11-14, 10. 2012)
  5. The Treasurer General;
  6. The Assistant Treasurer;
  7. The National Financial Secretary;
  8. The Assistant National Financial Secretary;
  9. The National Secretary for Political Education and Training; ( B’da conv. 26-28 May 2006)
  10. Three (3) Assistant National Secretaries for Political Education and Training, classified as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, one at least of whom be of the opposite sex; ( B’da conv. 26-28 May 2006)
  11. The National Secretary for Communication;
  12. Four (4) Assistant National Secretaries for Communication, classified as 1st , 2n d, 3rd and 4th , one at least of whom shall be of the opposite sex. (B’da conv. 11-14, 10. 2012)
  13. Two (2) Assistant National Secretaries for Communication, classified as 1st and 2nd, one at least of whom shall be of the opposite sex
  14. The National Organising Secretary; xv. Three (3) Assistant National Organising Secretaries, classified as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, one at least ofwhom shall be of the opposite sex;
  15. A National Secretary for Human and Peoples’ Rights; (B’da conv. 11-14, 10. 2012)
  16. Two(2) Assistant National Secretaries for Human and Peoples’ Rights, classified as1st and 2nd, one of whom shall be of the opposite sex. (B’da conv. 11-14, 10. 2012)
  17. A National Socialist Women Coordinator; (B’da conv. 11-14, 10. 2012)
  18. Two(2) Assistant National Socialist Women Coordinators, classified as 1st and 2nd,one of whom shall be of the opposite sex, (B’da conv. 11-14, 10. 2012);
  19. A National Socialist Youths Coordinator; (B’da conv. 11-14, 10. 2012);
  20. Two (2) Assistant National Socialist Youths Coordinators, classified as 1st and 2nd,one of whom shall be of the opposite sex.
  21. Ten (10) National Legal Advisers, classified as 1st, 2nd, “3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. (B’da conv. 11-14, 10. 2012);
  22. Three (3) Internal Auditor classified as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd;
  23. Ten (10) other members, four (4) of whom shall be of the opposite sex, proposed by the newly elected National Chairperson and ratified by the Convention;
  24. The Chairpersons of Standing Committees;
  25. The Chairperson of the Union of Mayors;
  26. The Chairperson of the Union of Presidents of Regional Councils;
  27. Regional Chairpersons;
  28. The speaker of the National Assembly and/or The Group Leader of the Party in the National Assembly;
  29. The Speaker of the Senate and and/or The Group Leader of the Party in the Senate;
  30. The President and Vice President of the Republic or Prime Minister, members of the Party;


Meeting of the National Executive Committee

  1. The National Executive Committee shall meet at least four times each year;
  2. It shall also meet at any time at the written request of the Chairperson or two-thirds
    (2/3) of the voting members; (Buea conv. 11-15.12.96)
  3. The quorum for the meeting of the National Executive Committee shall be one-third
    (1/3) of its membership;
  4. The National Executive Committee shall keep records of its proceedings.

Powers and Functions of the National Executive Committee

The National Executive Committee shall be responsible for the nation-wide administration of the party and putting into effect the decisions of the National Convention. It shall also:

  1. Prepare the agenda for the National Convention;
  2. Prepare and submit reports and the budget for the consideration of the Convention;
  3. Examine reports from the Standing Committees, initiate policies and programmes
    for consideration and adoption by the convention; ; ( B’da conv. 26-28 May 2006)
  4. Conduct the Party’s Presidential Campaigns, formulate and disseminate Party
  5. Make rules for party discipline and loyalty which shall be binding on all organs
    and members of the Party;
  6. Make Party electoral regulations, subject to ratification by the Convention, which shall govern elections to all Party offices at every level and the procedure for selecting Party candidates for these elective offices;
  7. Employ and determine the conditions of service of officials of the Party;
  8. Co-opt such persons as it deems necessary, desirable or expedient to attend its meetings and take part in its deliberations; provided that such co-opted persons shall have no voting rights;
  9. Have the power to initiate the Standing Orders of the Convention;
  10. Deal with any other matters referred to it by the National Convention and/or the Advisory Council;
  11. Deal with appeals and other problems referred to it by/or coming from Regional or other levels;
  12. Create and establish such committees, organs and/or services as are necessary for the efficient management of the Party and report to the Convention for ratification; (Bfsm. Conv.29-31.07.93)
  13. Consider reports from Regional Chairpersons of the Party and take such decisions as are necessary for the protection, advancement and/or consolidation of the gains and interests of the Party; (Buea conv. 11-15.12.96)
  14. Exercise such other powers and functions as shall be vested in it by the Convention;

Interview of SDF Senator Barrister Henry Kemende

La SG du SDF dans "Face à l'Actu" (VIDEO)

Ni J.F. Ndi talks with Mimi Mefo

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