Press release on the Government report on the Ngarbuh (North West) massacre investigationThe SDF takes cognizance of the report of the commission of inquiry into the 'Ngarbuh Massacre' that took place in February 2020. This report clearly establishes the direct involvement of certain elements of our defence and security forces.

 If we stick to this report, the least we can say is that it reveals major dysfunctions recorded during the disastrous operation and particularly within the military command. Overall, it must also be noted that from this report, the quality of background checks which should logically precede recruitment into our defence and security forces, their training as well as the real missions assigned to them during the various operations in the North West and South West regions, must be put to question.

However, the naked truth of this case remains implacable, and establishes certain hitherto refuted facts, notably that :

We must draw all the consequences from this report and our military justice should do its job

Despite alt the above, the work of this committee of inquiry should be commended. We must draw all the consequences from this report and our military justice should do its job. Cameroonians want to know the truth, the whole truth about what the various accused persons as well as their principals, if any, undertook so that any omissions, inconsistencies or cover-ups are lifted. It is normal that all, without exception, stand trial and answer for their actions. This will not only show that indeed justice is being served but will begin the long-awaited process of national healing.

Moreover, the government should take this opportunity to provide investigated and fact-based answers to the many other crimes, assassinations and massacres perpetrated since the outbreak of the crisis in the North West and South West regions. These scandals must be clarified. Cameroonians have the right to know who the authors and the sponsors of all these horrific and criminal acts are. These acts have adversely affected many families and the whole country since the outbreak of this crisis in the two regions of the North West and South West.

Version française: Communiqué de Presse du SDF sue le rapport d'enquête sur le massacre de Ngarbuh (Nord-Ouest)

The SDF has a deep thought for the deceased and once again extends its sincere condolences to the grieving families and who will unfortunately have to undergo the terrible psychological experience of the exhumation of the bodies of their loved ones. No one should have to experience such as a result of the excesses of a few.

A political point should be made, by reflecting and questioning the relevance and opportunity of the military option to date

Finally, a political point should be made, by reflecting and questioning the relevance and opportunity of the military option to date. Based on the conclusions of this report, this question comes up and will always arise acutely if the current status quo is maintained. Every time we refuse to look at the hard facts of the crisis and the causes of this unnecessary war, we inadvertently give room for another Ngarbuh Massacre. The actions expected post any enquiry, is not only the justice that should be served, but that the lessons learnt will ensure that there is never a replay of such grim incidents. Today therefore, it is more evident that the conclusions of the Grand National Dialogue need to be urgently put in place. These conclusions are far from satisfactory and slow to be implemented, but we must begin this process and have a strong commitment to go even further. We must have the courage to talk with those who lead these armed separatist groups. We must as well resolutely consider moving towards genuine federalism, which is the arguably the best option to reverse such sad events and put on us on track to a final resolution of this conflict.

by Joshua Osih, 1st National Vice-President