Teacher's strikes OTS : reaction to the latest government measures

by Hon. Jean Michel NINTCHEU, Député.

The latest government measures concerning the financial aspect are pure smoke and deceptions. They are globally very unsatisfactory.

 The need for the creation of a "Special Fund for the settlement of teachers' debts" is obvious.
The financing of the 181 billion CFA francs in salaries owed to teachers can be done through three mechanisms, namely

- The immediate release of part of the sovereign wealth funds housed at SNH

- Line 65 entitled 'State interventions in operation', the objective of which is to cover the State's unforeseen expenses in operation. This budget line has increased from CFAF 358.453 billion in 2021 to CFAF 400.406 billion in 2022, i.e. an increase of CFAF 41.953 billion. Spread over three months at CFAF 60 billion per month, this CFAF 181 billion will be cleared. All state institutions already have an operating budget.

- The reduction of the state's lifestyle through the reduction of unproductive expenditure and the elimination of sumptuous waste contained in the state budget and the transfer of the gain from this tidying up to the fund for the settlement of teachers' debts. The March parliamentary session has just begun. A rectifying finance law is urgently needed, particularly for expenditure on goods and services, which total CFAF 858.589 billion, including CFAF 66.4 billion (water, electricity, gas), CFAF 80.35 billion (materials, equipment and supplies), CFAF 58.3 billion (transport and mission expenses), CFAF 16.54 billion (rent), CFAF 223.43 billion (furniture and equipment for housing and offices). These lines must be streamlined in order to make a profit equivalent to the financial demands of the OTS movement, which amount to CFAF 181 billion

Unless one has a hidden agenda, one would have to be a criminal not to explore one of these three possibilities in order to make full payment of the CFAF 181 billion owed to the teachers within the next three months.

Hon. Jean Michel NINTCHEU
Member of Parliament (MP)