Alain Fogué et B. NissackMr. Alain Fogue and Mr. Bibou Nissack - unjustly arrested when they did not even participate in the peaceful march of 22 September 2020 - have just been charged more than a year later by the Yaoundé military court on the basis of reasons typical of totalitarian regimes. Several other militants of the CRM have also received appalling sentences of between 2, 5, 6 years in prison following a mock trial on the same fallacious grounds by a justice system under the orders of Mr. BIYA, president of the Superior Council of the Judiciary.

In the face of this judicial cruelty, this inadmissible cynicism and this unacceptable monstrosity, Lucifer himself is only a student of evil.

As a Member of Parliament, I strongly condemn these arbitrary and absurd verdicts which are just another illustration of the widespread repression against all dissenting and peaceful voices in Cameroon. I call on the regime of Mr. BIYA to:

- Release them immediately and unconditionally.
- Guarantee their physical integrity in all circumstances.
- Put an end to the insane persecution of those who peacefully express their opposition to the 40-year old dictatorial power.
- Comply with the fundamental rights recognized by the Cameroonian Constitution which prescribes freedom of expression and freedom of demonstration, the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and regional and international human rights instruments ratified by Cameroon.

At the end of his reign, Mr. BIYA would do well to remember the words of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy: "If you try to stifle peaceful revolutions, violent revolutions are inevitable". We are not so far from that. There are limits to everything.

Honorable Jean Michel NINTCHEU
Member of Parliament