This week, the Social Democratic Front mourns the death of young Ndialle Caro Louise, whose life was snuffed out by excessive police force, an incident that has left the SDF family and the entire nation deeply angered and heartbroken. We also share the pain of the family of the gendarme officer lynched to death by the angry crowd. Both were very sad, and unfortunate Incidents that were avoidable. At the same time, these are strong reminders of the need for an end to Violence and a return to peace In the Northwest and Southwest regions.

Ndialle Caro Louise is a victim of police brutality perpetuated by a culture of violence that has engulfed the Northwest and Southwest Regions with ordinary civilians bearing the brunt. This tragedy is a sad reminder of the steady decline In law enforcement in our country. Many doubt the justice of our country, and with good reason. The forces of law and order remain poorly trained and under-equipped to face up to the challenges of a rapidly declining social order as the population is increasingly desperate for substantial reforms across government. The ever-rising cases of social injustice coupled with the daily acts of extortion and brutality meted out to the population have caused growing disrespect for this essential arm of governance. The current Regime, which is to be held responsible for this steady decline in the affairs of the country, needs to take quick and appropriate measures to deflate this situation.

The incident in Buea last Thursday is coming less than a year after the shooting of school children in Kumba. These shootings are the predictable consequence of the failure of the regime to find a genuine and lasting solution that has rocked these two regions for the past five years. It remains a shocking failure that many ordinary civilians, especially children, are being killed as they pursue the most basic human right- the fight to education.

The SDF calls on the government and the non-state armed groups, to view the incident of last Thursday as an opportunity to end the cycle of violence which has caused untold pains and sufferings on ordinary civilians living in these two regions. The SDF reiterates its call fof a genuine, meaningful, and all-inclusive dialogue that addresses the root causes of the problem. It is a strength and not a weakness when a government addresses conflict through peaceful means. At the core of the issues, the country is facing are political problems. Political problems have political solutions. There remarns a viable option to the resolution of the crisis in the Northwest and Southwes egions. The SDF remains committed to its fight for social justice and peace within the framework of a federal system of government, that will allow the different states to create solutions to their problems, using policies and laws that work best in their state.

The entire SDF family expresses its heartfelt condolences to the families of the young Caro Louise. No parent should ever have to bury their young child because of such an avoidable and unfortunate circumstance. Our deepest condolences equally go to the family of the gendarme officer, who was lynched by the angry mob. We understand what it means to lose a family member In such a tragic circumstance.

Finally, our condolences go out to every Cameroonlan who woke up to one pain or another as a direct result of this crisis. We must come together to bring the pressure to bear on the regime to consider the effective actions that are necessaty for the resolution of the crisis.

May the soul of the departed rest in Peace.

John Fru Ndi, National Chairman of the SDF